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Elettrodomestico M6 Boutique - Francia

Annuncio Nr. 164 828

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Immobiliare - Marocco
Domenica 15 agosto 2010 tramite una professione: Azienda Agricola Gangemi
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Proposta di vendita Gastronomio e cucina FRANCESCO: 5,00 EUR (5 USD)

Italia - 89122 - REGGIO CALABRIA (CALABRIA)Il prezzo indicato è chiuso
Proposta di vendita gastronomio e cucina FRANCESCO, consegna non inclusa: 5,00 EUR (5 USD) per pezzo.

Our company is located in the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, about 5 km from the sea and at an altitude ranging between 200 and 600 meters above sea level, an ideal location for the growing of olives and citrus.
Obviously the range of our products is among the most diverse, but we would like to draw your attention in a particular way, our olive oil.
It is an organic oil of high quality, since, as described above, the geographic location in the heart of the Mediterranean, the optimal microclimate, aromatic herbs that grow naturally in the surroundings, the natural methods of cultivation and processing (harvesting olives is performed by hand in the morning and the milling is done at night with the most cold-pressing technology) allow the oil to have our superior quality, aroma, flavor and lightness unique.
Indisputable quality of our product has remained intact in a nice, but not too pretentious bottle with a square base. The bottle has dark green colour, because the direct light would alter the characteristics contained in it, with a twist-off cap and seal warranty, a nice double-sided label, which does not hide the visibility of the oil itself and consists all information about product.
The oil is available packaged in bottles 0.25lt, 0.50lt, 0.75lt, 1.00lt
In addition, the company might propose to you the other high quality products made of olive oil, organic spices such as also great for pasta, meat, pizza and garlic bread, olive oil, biologic olive oil, organic olive oil soap and organic olive oil soap with bergamot, produced in a natural way, without the addition of perfume, nutrients, and restructuring and protection for any skin type.
tel: +393203281610 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +393203281610      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
mail: oliogangemi@hotmail. it.
Foto: Proposta di vendita Gastronomio e cucina FRANCESCOFoto: Proposta di vendita Gastronomio e cucina FRANCESCO
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